Welcome to Ghost Tropic
Hey there, reader: it's come for me too. It's time for me to start a newsletter.

Hey there, reader: it's come for me too. It's time for me to start a newsletter.
As someone who's been around the circuits with music journalism for about five years now (Jesus, that many already?), I've been kicking about the idea of doing a newsletter for ages. There have been failed test runs that went live and quickly fizzled out, failed content drafts that never made it out of the vault (some of which may end up here), and failed conceptual efforts that never even left the most unformed recesses of my brain.
Well, I finally figured, time to suck it up and just do the damn thing. It's a great time for me to do it, to be honest: at this stage in my writing career, I feel like I can bring you a much better and more confident version of this newsletter than you would have gotten before.
As an independent newsletter, this is going to be a place for me to write about anything and everything I find cool and notable, no matter how many listeners an artist has, no matter what genre or form that music takes. That means a lot of rare interviews with DIY artists who typically never get covered in traditional music journalism, and some really fun offbeat interviews with bigger artists that you wouldn't find anywhere else. Also probably some stray essays and blurbs and stuff, but we'll get there when we get there.
This newsletter has already got a stronger foothold on getting off the ground than previous attempts: I've already solicited a handful of interviews that are going to be going live over the coming month, the first of which should be going live next week. I feel like I have a much stronger sense of what I want to do with the newsletter this time around, and I'm hoping you're gonna enjoy all the things I'm really excited to share with Natalie Newsletter v2.6 (rough estimate).
At the moment, every article and interview I share is going to be free to read. A lot of the pieces I'm going to put here are ones I want to have as wide and accessible of a readership as possible, so nothing will be paywalled at the moment. I do have a supporter tier where you can chip in a little bit to make this something that can continue to be a viable side endeavor for me, but there's literally no pressure—nothing will be locked behind that tier; it's just a means for people to show generosity if they so choose. Perhaps, if the readership grows to a degree where it's viable, I might start a paid subscription tier for some ancillary content. But the main attractions here will always be free to read for everyone—interviews, specifically, will never be paywalled.
Thanks so much for taking an interest in my work, and to everyone who's shown support to me. I really hope you enjoy what Ghost Tropic has to come <3